報告・大樹の節 Report: Great Tree Moon
Audience Chamber
レア: 見事な采配でしたね、Byleth。ジェラルトの薫陶を受けただけはあります。
Rhea: Your work with the students was remarkable. I can see Jeralt trained you well.
I do hope you were able to use the occasion to bond with the students.
Choice 1: 深められた I did.
レア: それは何よりです。これからの1年間、彼らに寄り添ってあげてください。
Rhea: I am so happy to hear it. Nothing would please me more than if you used this coming year to grow closer still.
Choice 2: まだまだ Not really.
レア: そうですか。出会ったばかりですし、無理もないでしょう。
Rhea: Oh? Well, you have only just met them, so I suppose that should come as no surprise.
セテス: ちなみに今回の模擬戦は前哨戦に過ぎない。本番は飛竜の節に行われる「鷲獅子戦」だ。
Seteth: Of course, the mock battle was mere practice. The real fight is the Battle of the Eagle and Lion, which will take place during the Wyvern Moon.
You are expected to properly train your students so as not to humiliate the academy during the long-held tradition that is the coming battle.
レア: ……さて。今日あなたをここへ呼んだのは翌節の課題を伝えるためです。
Rhea: As for today, I have called you here to tell you of your mission for the month ahead.
Your class is to dispose of some bandits causing trouble nearby.
Choice 1: 課題? My mission?
Choice 2: 盗賊の討伐? Bandits?
セテス: ガルグ=マク大修道院に所属する者には、身分を問わず奉仕活動を義務づけている。
Seteth: Those affiliated with Garreg Mach Monastery have a moral obligation to help those in need, regardless of social standing.
Students are no exception. Each month, before the newly birthed moon departs, each house of students must complete their assigned mission.
You shall work to complete the task at hand alongside your students and report back to the archbishop before the deadline. Understood?
I will soon provide you with the necessary details for your first mission. If I told you now, I expect you would only forget, and I despise repeating myself.
レア: Byleth、あなたには特別な何かを感じます。……期待していますよ。
Rhea: I can sense something special within your heart… I have high hopes for you.
ソティス: 盗人か……
Sothis: Bandits, they say…
Byleth: !? ?!
ソティス: わしとおぬしの出会いを思い出すのう。次はあのような不覚を取るでないぞ?
Sothis: Do you recall when we first met? You shall not fall so shamelessly again, correct?
Byleth: ………………。 …
ソティス: 何を固まって……まさか驚いておるのか?
Sothis: Have you no words for me? Do not tell me that you are shocked to hear from me!
You ought to know that I am always with you now. to hear my voice should not come as a shock.
Choice 1: わかった Right.
Choice 2: 状況が把握できない I don’t understand…
ソティス: やれやれ……詮方ないのう。
Sothis: Whatever shall I do with you?
I am alive within the confines of your heart.
I am unknown to all but you. but through your eyes and ears, I see and hear.
Just listen to your heart, as you are doing now, and we may speak like this.
This is all that I know.
Byleth: ...
Zanado, The Red Canyon
コスタス: クソッ!何が貴族のガキどもを数人殺すだけ、だ!
Kostas: What is this nonsense?! All I was told was to kill as many noble pipsqueaks as possible!
No one said anything about the Knights of damned Seiros being on our trail!
???: 貴様らが仕損じたからだ。つまらぬ陽動にかかりおって。
???: You have proven yourself worthless. Distracted by something so trivial.
I had hoped you would achieve your goal despite the setback. But now a child of the knights' former captain is in play. How interesting.
コスタス: てめえッ!聞いてんのか!
Kostas: Hey! This isn't what I agreed to!
???: だが、傭兵を教師に任じるなど……あの女の考えが読めぬな。いったい……
???: Hiring a mercenary as a professor. What was that woman thinking―
コスタス: 無視してんじゃねえッ!この始末、どうつけて……
Kostas: Are you listening to me?! How do we finish this?
???: 死ね。
???: You die.
コスタス: なっ!?
Kostas: Wh―What?!
???: もはや教団は容赦せぬ。貴様らは地獄へと旅立つことになろう。
???: Underestimating the knights was an amateur mistake. One you will pay for. The road to eternal torment awaits you all. Now I must locate your replacements...
コスタス: 待ッ! 待ちやがれェッ!……クソオオオオッ!!
Kostas: Wait! Get back here! Damn you!